Individual Therapy
Collaborative Approach
Individual therapy is a collaborative process aimed at helping you become more self- aware and understand yourself and your dilemmas through a somatic holistic approach. This dynamic method helps you achieve a profound understanding of yourself, fostering authenticity and a connection to your own truth.
Understanding and Transformation
A good therapist can help you float in the river of life and assist you to swim confidently by yourself in waters both calm and troubled. It is not a friendship but a therapeutic relationship that is friendly, compassionate and empathetic.
I can help you with:
Present trauma experiences through grief and loss
Anger issues
ADHD diagnosis
Anxiety and stress
Relationship issues
Work-related issues
Assertiveness issues
Low self-esteem
Communication difficulties
Family difficulties
Conflict resolution skills
Grief and bereavement including the loss of a pet
Immigration issues
Report writing for Immigration
Individual sessions are designed to examine present issues and conscious ideas that we mistakenly hold as truth that disconnect us from clearly seeing reality as it is.